CCID SIO At-large Nomination
The SIO Council of CCID is seeking nominations for an open SIO At-Large position on the SIO Council. The deadline for the nominations is June 17, 2022, at 11:59 PM CT.
The role of the SIO Council is to provide advice and make recommendations to the CCID Board of Directors and Executive Director for planning, implementing, and evaluating international activities and projects of CCID. The Council is comprised of Board Member Institution SIOs and four Members-at-Large representing non-Board CCID Members.
SIOs At-Large are expected to attend all SIO Council meetings, including the in-person meetings at the Annual Conference and the Summer Institute. Additionally, SIOs At-Large are expected to participate in the work of SIO Council committees. The term of the SIO At-Large is two (2) years with the ability to renew for a single additional term. Terms begin with the first CCID Board meeting of the fiscal year (August).
If you have wanted to get involved with CCID more, now is your chance! You may nominate yourself or have a colleague nominate you. To submit a nomination, please review the eligibility requirements and complete the SIO At-large Nomination form:
Candidates for SIO At-Large may self-nominate per the following eligibility requirements:
- The candidate’s institution must be an active CCID member.
- The candidate must be the Senior International Officer or equivalent at their institution.
- The candidate must have the support of their institution’s president.
Applications must include the following items:
- Letter of Interest outlining the candidate’s interest in the SIO At-Large position and their willingness to take on the commitment.
- Letter of Support from the candidate’s college president (or designee) agreeing to support their CCID leadership role.
All nominations meeting the eligibility requirements will be put to a vote by all members of CCID.
If you have any questions about the Member-at-Large position, you may contact Richard Johnson, current SIO Council Chair at .